Advocacy, Mental Health

Single-Minded Devotion

It’s hard to focus on the wonderful and beautiful things of life it has to offer when you’re stuck in this negative rut of intrusive or obsessive thoughts about the past, situations you can’t control, and people whose wrongdoings causes problems, hurt, and injustice that warrants a penalty by the law but escapes from that. I have a tendency to dwell on the negative when things don’t make sense and there’s disorder and injustice all around. It’s part of my personality and how my brain is wired. But there are healthy ways to manage the thoughts and attitudes towards the unfixable.

Buddha, (I think) said, “If there isn’t a solution to the problem then there is no problem.” Which basically means stop worrying and obsessing over what you CAN’T fix. No matter how badly you really want to see order and justice happen. Unfortunately, it can’t and won’t because everything is messed up. From slimy politicians to sex trafficking, violence, racism, people being stupid and not caring for their fellow human, etc. I can’t control any of those. Nor can I control the apathy of people who won’t fight for justice or look for solutions to solve problems. But, I can try to CONTRIBUTE to helping the world be a better and safer place maybe through advocacy and educating myself. Asking questions and reaching out. Striving to help make a difference for the sake of others on this planet WITHOUT letting it consume me and bitterness stifle my joy and growth.

I believe it requires humility, courage, and willingness to learn what it takes and to challenge ourselves outside of our comfort zone. A wise friend shared with me recently that many don’t always take action when they’re supposed to because they hate confrontation and conflict. If more people did the opposite and not care about protecting someone’s reputation more than their wrongdoing or hurting feelings with the honest truth, it would make a difference.

I’ve realized my single-minded devotion to causes wasn’t there by accident. It can make me look really obsessive and bitter if I’m not careful to filter it through the correct lens of wisdom. But, I am not ashamed of my efforts if it produces a good effect on others. At least I can say I tried without regret for not doing anything in the first place or before it’s too late.

Read my post, Having A Mary Heart, for a better glimpse at why being single-minded can actually be a useful and good trait to have.

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