Identity In Christ, Spiritual Warfare

Identity In Christ+Armor Of God

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” -1 Peter 5:8.

Our adversary the devil is on the prowl attacking Christians left and right. He will do all he can to get you to doubt God’s love for you, his tactic is to destroy you so that you won’t make a difference in God’s kingdom. One of his most common methods is attacking your worth and identity. BUT, that’s only if you allow him. So many Christians are struggling to have a grasp on their identity, worth, and value. We allow circumstances, people’s opinions, and our struggles define who we are. In order to fight off the enemy’s schemes, we MUST know what the Word says about who we are in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 6:10-18 talks about putting on the armor of God. Before we can do that however, we have to be confident and secure in who we are in Christ first.  You can’t jump right into calculus without first learning the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. That’s exactly how this principle works too. You can’t put on God’s armor without having a solid foundation in Christ. It won’t work. You’ll get pulverized if you try to.

Every time you hear or are tempted to believe a lie contrary to the Word, take it captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Measure everything you see and hear with the Bible. Go to Scripture and read about God’s character, listen to sermons, praise and worship songs that speak about what He’s done, who you are, whose you are, and who He is. Read Ephesians chapter one and two and write down everything He says about your identity in Christ, spiritual blessings you have in Him. Take some notes to help you retain what you’ve heard or learned. Speak it out loud or write it in a journal as you go over it. DO NOT rely on what your “feelings” tell you. They can be very misleading (Jeremiah 17:9).

My prayer for you is that you will consistently work on building a habit of understanding and growing in the knowledge of Jesus and let Him shape your identity and help others do the same. It is impossible to know who you are unless you know God. In addition here are some free resources (who doesn’t like free stuff!?) to help you on your journey to knowing Christ and understanding your identity as a child of God. May you be blessed!

Standing Your Ground In The Word

A Father’s Letter

Who I Am In Christ Confessions/Scriptures

True Identity In Christ Chart With Scriptures

Armor Of God

Who The Bible Says God Is And Why I Can Trust Him

His Name That Meets Our Needs

Be A Warrior Woman, Not A Wounded One

Embrace who you are and wear God’s armor. The battle has just begun.


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